Carbon Rebates Apply
The Carbon Rebate Ride establishes variable rates based on the number of passengers at time of check reducing your carbon footprint while enjoying this special place we call home Kachemak Bay.
Glacier Spit Trailhead
Accessing These Trails and Yurt
Glacier Spit & Rusty's Lagoon
Beach Yurt
Glacier Lake Trail 4.3 mile Pickup at Saddle Trail
Grewnigk Tram Spur
Blue Ice Trail
Emerald Lake Loop Trail
Saddle Trailhead
Accessing These Trails
Grewink Glacier Lake via Saddle Trailhead 3.0 miles round trip
Alpine Ridge Trail
Connecting to Glacier Lake Trail System to Blue Ice & Emerald Lake Trails
Lagoon Trail
China Poot Bay
Accessing This Trail, Yurt and Fishing
China Poot Bay Yurt
Coalition Loop Trail
Salmon Fishing
Haystack Rock
Accessing These Trails and Yurt
Haystack Rock Yurt
Wosnesenski River Trail
McKean Flats Hiking & Beach Combing
Kayak Beach
Accessing This Trail and Yurt
Kayak Beach Yurt
Grace Ridge North Trailhead
Quarry Beach
Accessing These Trails
Quarry Beach Yurt
Grace Ridge North Trailhead
Sadie Knob North Trailhead
Sadie Knob South Trailhead
Halibut Cove Lagoon Public Dock and Kachemak Bay State Park Ranger Station
Accessing These Trails and Public Use Cabins
Halibut Cove Lagoon Public Use Cabins
East Lagoon Public Use Cabin
Lagoon Overlook Public Use Cabin
West Lagoon Public Use Cabin
Coalition Trail - Connector Trail to China Poot Bay
China Poot Lake Trail
China Poot Lake Public Use Cabin
Poot Peak Trail
Moose Valley Public Use Cabin
Halibut Cove Community
Please note we do not drop off or pick up at the Saltry Restaurant in Halibut Cove, how ever we would be happy to give you information on how to visit Salty Restaurant in Halibut Cove.
Halibut Cove Public Dock
Private Docks & Beaches